
Posts Tagged ‘unconditional love’

(FYI: This has been verified as true on snopes.com and the picture is the actual couple from the story. This is a repost from Chris Cade’s Facebook page)

Katie and Nick were in love and wanted to be married, but with a major complication: On Valentine’s Day in 2002, Katie was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor. She was in college and wanted to finish, but a year later she was further diagnosed with an inoperable lung tumor.

Even with her complications, with her pain and organ failures, the morphine shots, and having to adjust her dress several times due to weight loss, Katie was determined to continue on with the wedding. Nothing was going to stop her and Nick from sharing their love together in the ceremony they dreamed of.

As you can imagine, it wasn’t a normal wedding…


Katie had an oxygen tube going into her nose throughout the event, and her friends serenaded her while she sat in a wheelchair. With so much pain, she couldn’t stand up for long and frequently sat down to rest. None of this stopped them.


Because this was the happiest day of their lives, and they knew it. They lived it. The smiles on their faces showed it. After all they’d been through, including how difficult it was just to be married, they were both truly happy.

Katie died 5 days after her wedding.

And after all they’d been through together, Nick had this to say:

“It was wonderful. It was a dream come true. She was the most beautiful angel ever – just caring and selfless, and such an inspiration to everyone. She was always smiling *no matter what happened* no matter what news she got. She was as close to perfect as they come.”

The happiest people aren’t those who always have the best things. The happiest people make the best of what they have.

If Katie and Nick could choose happiness in those most difficult moments, what could you choose to do with your life?

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