
Posts Tagged ‘happiness’

Be Happy Be YourselfPhoto Credits: Facebook.com

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What is Happiness?

If you are searching for the real meaning of happiness, you are not alone. In fact, this is one of the most common questions out there because this is also very elusive and hard to find. Children actually do not think about this too much because it used to be very easy to become happy. Young kids find it very easy to be happy because of their simple and basic expectations. A child does not really have any responsibilities, which makes him very easy to please. A simple toy will actually make a child happy because this is basically what he needs at a very young age. It is impossible to make a child happy by giving out stocks and bonds because he just cannot understand what these things are. Unfortunately, the needs and demands of a particular person also changes over time. This means that the things that made you happy when you were young may not necessarily make you happy once you get older. Toys will no longer make you happy once you reach your teenage years because you really no longer need these things. As people age, their needs and demands also change, which makes it so much more difficult to become happy. So what is happiness and how can you achieve happiness in your life?

What is happiness? Happiness is something that a lot of people are looking for because it is not something that you can find overnight. The question, what is happiness, can be very difficult to define because it really differs from one person to another. What makes one person happy might not necessarily make another one happy. If you are confused with this statement, try to think about the simple things that make you temporarily happy. For instance, if you are fond of going to concerts because of your love for music, you will definitely find these events exhilarating and exciting. However, other people might not share the same thoughts and feelings because they might not really like music that much. So how do you really find happiness? What are the various tips and methods to becoming happy? How do you define real happiness?

Some people actually try to become happy by reading a lot of books and quotes about happiness. This might work for some people because quotes about happiness will also inspire you to become happy. In fact, I know of some people who have changed their outlook in life with the help of quotes about happiness. However, it will only work if you truly understand the meaning behind these quotes. It will also only work if you truly put them into practice, rather than putting them against your walls. Try to look beyond the negative aspects in your life and focus on the things that you should be grateful for. This is one way of becoming happy because you can eventually live your life in a most positive way. Do not dwell on the things that will only make you unhappy and sad because they will truly hinder you from finding happiness and contentment in your life.



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Happiness is Within Us

What is happiness? What does it mean to be happy? It’s a hot summers day and you are thirsty. You are offered a cold refreshing glass of lemonade. How do you feel when you see the glass? How do you feel when you drink it? Is your feeling happiness or pleasure?

You are probably thinking pleasure. There is a connection between these two kinds of feelings, and sometimes one evokes the other, but they are not the same thing. Pleasure is more dependent on the five senses while happiness is independent of them.

Pleasure is a good feeling that comes from eating good food, watching a good movie, feeling the warm sunshine on your face etc. pleasure has to do with enjoyment through the five senses and is dependent on circumstances, objects and people.

When you are happy, minor unpleasant events usually do not disturb you. When you are unhappy, you feel as if everything is against you. You may compensate for it by eating chocolate because this gives you pleasure, yet you stay unhappy.

There are people who fear that if they experience happiness, it is going to be taken away from them. This way they avoid the pain that may follow when it goes away. They believe that happiness is always followed by unhappiness. Others may go to the extreme of not seeking it at all, because they feel unworthy of it, and prefer to avoid it.

From the moment of birth there is yearning for happiness and an endless race towards it. It is considered as one of the greatest positive attributes. If we analyze our actions we see that all of them are in some way or another, happiness oriented. Everyone wants to feel good and happy. When circumstances and events are to our liking we are happy, and when they are not we feel miserable.

When do we experience this coveted state? This feeling emerges when some problem has been solved, a burden has been lifted, a fear has disappeared or a desire or ambition has been fulfilled. We also experience it at a time we acquire or receive something we wanted very much. It comes when we are assured of the love of someone dear to us, when we win a sum of money in the lottery or when we get good grades at school. What happens is that the tension that has been accumulating while we were pursuing, waiting, expecting or desiring is released. There is no more any need to run after the coveted object or evade fear. Some tension, worry or burden has been lifted. At this moment happiness appears. It is a kind of feeling that erupts from the inside. The mind becomes quiet, and its constant chatter stops for a while. You will see that happiness comes from the inside.

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We all try and be happy and positive all the time but sometimes negative things happen and this prevents us from feeling happiness all the time. Psychologists say that the strength of the emotion felt when something happens influences the impact it has on our memory. The area of the brain that deals with these feelings is called the amygdale. The amygdale calculates the emotional significance of events and influences the way we perceive things. It is particularly attuned to negative experiences.When we dwell on negative memories how can we expect to know what happiness is or even finding happiness in our lives. If the brain can only hold one thought at a time, make it a positive one. If a unhappy thought threatens to overwhelm you, change it straight away. Think to yourself what happiness is, then fill your brain with that thought, you can’t think a positive and a negative thought at the same time!

Choose to live life happily

When you are on your quest to finding happiness a few things you can do every day which will naturally start to help are things like counting your blessings. The sweet lady that let you go in front of her at the checkout, your child telling you how great you are, or the neighbor taking in your parcel. Keep note of these events and refer back to them if you are ever having a negative moment.

Don’t put yourself second best, self esteem is important. How can we know what happiness is if we can’t look after ourselves properly then let alone our loved ones.

Never take yourself for granted. Honor everything you do, whether that is a mother, father, aunt, uncle, cousin, brother, sister, best friend, godparent, etc. Give yourself credit for all of these.

Try not to dwell on the past, you have to remember it however as good and bad experiences all contribute to who you are today. Whatever you have been through, acknowledge it, accept it and then leave it behind. When people feel unable to move forward and held back by bad feelings about your past is thought to contribute to depression.

And lastly a great thing to do when finding happiness is knowing whatever you are going through, you will survive it. Someone somewhere has gone through the same thing and come out the other side. Being overwhelmed leads us to feel helpless. You will get through things and with the right attitude even thrive on it.

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Sue Stone was on the road to failure 10 years ago. Her company was on the verge of collapse and she had 250 thousand pounds worth of debts. A lot of things had also gone wrong with her marriage, so happiness was definitely elusive at the time. Before experiencing these challenges, Sue almost had everything: a great manufacturing company, a wonderful married life, plus three beautiful children. Unfortunately, her world was turned upside down within a few months. She split from her husband and was left to take care of their kids as a single parent, at the same time facing the possibility of being homeless.

Sue Stone making a difference

Rather than wallow in her desperation, Sue did not let her problems put her down. She eventually decided to take control of her life and discover all the things that she needed to do in order to improve her situation. Self-help books helped her a lot and this difficult experience actually led her to discover the power of the mind, and the wonders of our feelings, thoughts and the subconscious. Although the search for happiness didn’t happen overnight, Sue eventually found herself motivated and reprogrammed. She released all of the negative ideas, feelings and emotions within her, and focused on all of the positive things that she had in her life. She started to visualize her dreams and aspirations, and had a clear picture of what the future would bring. Because of this, Sue’s life was slowly changed from a gloomy past to an exciting and happy future. She eventually wrote a book about her challenges and transformation, entitled Love Life, Live Life.

These days, Sue does motivational coaching and is entirely committed to helping other people with their own challenges and their quest for happiness. She speaks at various national and international conferences. Sue believes that each and every individual has the power to transform their lives and reach all of their dreams and aspirations. In previous years, Sue greatly believed that happiness follows when you have all the wealth and riches in life. Now, she swears by the mantra that wealth and prosperity will come if you are truly happy with your life.

Sue also regularly appears at events, seminars and shows, including Channel 4’s The Secret Millionaire. With these projects, she has managed to touch a lot of people’s lives and help them overcome their challenges and difficulties.

Sue has also released a number of tips on how to achieve financial health. Some of these tips include becoming aware of your thoughts and beliefs about money, and the importance of focusing on what you can buy with your money.  It is also important to have a positive outlook on your financial health and be thankful for everything that you get, regardless of the amount. Release all of the negative energy in your home, including the clutter and unnecessary things. This way, you will be able to create some space in your life for more exciting and prosperous possibilities and find the key to happiness.

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