
Posts Tagged ‘easter’

Every Lenten season – just a few days before Easter – it has always been my family’s tradition to spend a day or two together which usually ends up going to a new place (usually a beach resort) and have some fun. So off we go on a Friday morning with our bags packed with food, clothing, and a camera to capture moments of fun with also the intention of sharing the photos and brag about it on Facebook.

The Shoreline

The trip turned out to be a 6-hour drive. It was sunny when we left the city, and because it is supposed to be an adventure for all of us, we have nothing but pure instructions sent via text message from a family member on how to get to the area. The place is so remote and all I could see are mountains, grasslands and a shoreline on the opposite side of the road. When we were only about 2 hours away from the place, it started to rain real hard that the main street started to flood. Uh-oh! This can’t be happening. What will happen to our sought after adventure if the weather is bad?

Look at the Blue Waters!

We finally reached the place at 5:30 in the afternoon and almost half of the resort was flooded in brown murky waters. We had no choice but to go down from the car and start unloading our things, after all, there weren’t any resort nearby and finding a new one is a bit late with the bad weather. It was absolutely disgusting! We rented 2 rooms and the room itself is not decent enough. Nevertheless, we are thankful we had a place to sleep.

View of the Cove from the Boat

The following morning, the weather was still a bit gloomy and we were really looking forward to go on a swim but when we reached the shoreline, we were dismayed to see brown waters mixing with sea water. The locals told us that we can go to a nice spot called the Tuka Cove which tourist often visits. We were told the place is really nice so we rented a boat to take us to the place and sure enough the place is heavenly! It was a four-minute boat ride and when we finally reached the place we started to have some fun. The water is blue even on the shoreline.  It was like being on a remote island because there were no tables or cottages in the area – just coconut trees and a really steep mountain.

The Pristine White Sands of the Cove

After around 30 minutes of fun, the wind started to pick up speed and rain began to pour. The waves are starting to get huge and we were worried that we might not be able to go back to the resort in time where we still have some of our things left in the room. After an hour the boat driver told us that he thinks the boat can withstand the waves which are starting to get really big.  So we had no choice but to take the risk. It was definitely the longest and most frightening 4 minutes of my life and I feel like the boat is going to capsize at any moment. I myself do not know how to swim and this pose a major threat in me because we have kids on board. I found myself praying so hard until we were able to reach the resort safely. Of course by the time we got to the resort, the place was again flooded but I did not mind walking through the murky waters. I am just thankful we were able to get back safe and sound. My Easter experience may not be perfect but I was able to learn one thing and that is “Praying without Ceasing” works! Thank you Lord for keeping us safe all throughout the trip. 🙂

The Tuka Cove

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