
Posts Tagged ‘positive quotes’

The mind is so powerful that it can literally bring wonderful or tragic events to bear within a very short time. Most people do not learn how to tap into it and control this powerful force.

Many people do have their minds working for them, but in negative ways. Doctors call this psychosomatic illness- an illness caused by a person’s negative belief system.

Placebo studies clearly show that a belief in wellness results in healing. Some scientists believe this is how visualisation heals. When you visualise and believe in what you are doing, then healing takes place. There are many seemingly miraculous stories of people who have done so.

There is a well known story of a man who damaged his liver beyond repair in an accident. After spending a while in hospital he was sent home with a contraption that had tubes going in and out of his body. This was for life. But he learned the technique of creative visualisation and he would spend hours visualising his damaged liver cells being prepared.

At first he saw the cells in his mind as black, shriveled, damaged prunes. He then took an imaginary toothbrush and imagined cleaning the cells, one by one, and he saw them turn a healthy pink colour.

After three months of visualisation, he had an accident at home and one of the tubes was torn out of his body. He was rushed to hospital and x rayed to survey the damage prior to an operation. Amazingly, the doctors discovered that his liver was completely repaired!

The visual image you use is merely a symbol of what you wish-you intend- to happen. It’s the act of keeping your mind on what you wish to happen that’s important. The visual image just helps you keep it there. By doing this though you really can heal your body with thinking positive quotes and beliefs.

Here are some thinking positive quotes and affirmations aimed at health and well being.

Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better

I have all the energy required for my needs

The light within me is healing my entire body

I sleep relaxed, and awake refreshed

I am healthy in all areas of my life

I am able to maintain my ideal weight

I love and care for my body

I am perfect just the way I am.

If you can use these with or without a visual, you will be amazed by the effects and remember to really believe!



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