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Sue Stone was on the road to failure 10 years ago. Her company was on the verge of collapse and she had 250 thousand pounds worth of debts. A lot of things had also gone wrong with her marriage, so happiness was definitely elusive at the time. Before experiencing these challenges, Sue almost had everything: a great manufacturing company, a wonderful married life, plus three beautiful children. Unfortunately, her world was turned upside down within a few months. She split from her husband and was left to take care of their kids as a single parent, at the same time facing the possibility of being homeless.

Sue Stone making a difference

Rather than wallow in her desperation, Sue did not let her problems put her down. She eventually decided to take control of her life and discover all the things that she needed to do in order to improve her situation. Self-help books helped her a lot and this difficult experience actually led her to discover the power of the mind, and the wonders of our feelings, thoughts and the subconscious. Although the search for happiness didn’t happen overnight, Sue eventually found herself motivated and reprogrammed. She released all of the negative ideas, feelings and emotions within her, and focused on all of the positive things that she had in her life. She started to visualize her dreams and aspirations, and had a clear picture of what the future would bring. Because of this, Sue’s life was slowly changed from a gloomy past to an exciting and happy future. She eventually wrote a book about her challenges and transformation, entitled Love Life, Live Life.

These days, Sue does motivational coaching and is entirely committed to helping other people with their own challenges and their quest for happiness. She speaks at various national and international conferences. Sue believes that each and every individual has the power to transform their lives and reach all of their dreams and aspirations. In previous years, Sue greatly believed that happiness follows when you have all the wealth and riches in life. Now, she swears by the mantra that wealth and prosperity will come if you are truly happy with your life.

Sue also regularly appears at events, seminars and shows, including Channel 4’s The Secret Millionaire. With these projects, she has managed to touch a lot of people’s lives and help them overcome their challenges and difficulties.

Sue has also released a number of tips on how to achieve financial health. Some of these tips include becoming aware of your thoughts and beliefs about money, and the importance of focusing on what you can buy with your money.  It is also important to have a positive outlook on your financial health and be thankful for everything that you get, regardless of the amount. Release all of the negative energy in your home, including the clutter and unnecessary things. This way, you will be able to create some space in your life for more exciting and prosperous possibilities and find the key to happiness.

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