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We all try and be happy and positive all the time but sometimes negative things happen and this prevents us from feeling happiness all the time. Psychologists say that the strength of the emotion felt when something happens influences the impact it has on our memory. The area of the brain that deals with these feelings is called the amygdale. The amygdale calculates the emotional significance of events and influences the way we perceive things. It is particularly attuned to negative experiences.When we dwell on negative memories how can we expect to know what happiness is or even finding happiness in our lives. If the brain can only hold one thought at a time, make it a positive one. If a unhappy thought threatens to overwhelm you, change it straight away. Think to yourself what happiness is, then fill your brain with that thought, you can’t think a positive and a negative thought at the same time!

Choose to live life happily

When you are on your quest to finding happiness a few things you can do every day which will naturally start to help are things like counting your blessings. The sweet lady that let you go in front of her at the checkout, your child telling you how great you are, or the neighbor taking in your parcel. Keep note of these events and refer back to them if you are ever having a negative moment.

Don’t put yourself second best, self esteem is important. How can we know what happiness is if we can’t look after ourselves properly then let alone our loved ones.

Never take yourself for granted. Honor everything you do, whether that is a mother, father, aunt, uncle, cousin, brother, sister, best friend, godparent, etc. Give yourself credit for all of these.

Try not to dwell on the past, you have to remember it however as good and bad experiences all contribute to who you are today. Whatever you have been through, acknowledge it, accept it and then leave it behind. When people feel unable to move forward and held back by bad feelings about your past is thought to contribute to depression.

And lastly a great thing to do when finding happiness is knowing whatever you are going through, you will survive it. Someone somewhere has gone through the same thing and come out the other side. Being overwhelmed leads us to feel helpless. You will get through things and with the right attitude even thrive on it.

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